7 Ways To Stay Happy During The Fall Weather

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It's fall! The weather is cooler, the trees are changing color, and it's time to get cozy with your favorite blanket. The fall season can also be a beautiful time of year, but it can also be challenging if you don't take precautions. It's easy to feel overwhelmed by seasonal depression or other mental health issues during this time of year; however, there are ways to overcome those feelings and enjoy everything fall has to offer. Here are seven ways that you can stay happy during this season:

1.) Spend time with loved ones.

In the fall, it’s easy to find yourself spending time alone. But if you have friends or family in your area, try to make time for them. You don’t have to sit around and watch TV —you could go on a hike or take a walk in the park together. You could also go to a museum or concert together. Sometimes just getting out of the house is all that’s needed.

If spending time with loved ones isn't an option, however, don't worry: you can still do something active and fun on your own. The best thing about being alone is that it gives people plenty of opportunities for reflection—and what better way than a coffee date?

If you’re feeling a bit down, go out and get some fresh air. You can do this by taking a walk or going on a bike ride. Get out of the house and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts. If you have time to spare, try cleaning your home—it will make you feel better about yourself and your living space.

2.) Go outside.

One of the best things you can do for yourself during the fall is to get outside. Just like a good workout, going for a brisk walk will help you clear your head. It will also make sure that your body is moving and staying active, which can help keep depression at bay. If it's not too cold where you live, consider finding a park or beach to walk around in. Or if there are any hiking trails close by, go ahead and try them out. You may need to bundle up first but once you're out there it'll be worth it—and remember: nothing says "I'm happy" like a cute pair of boots!

And if you're feeling really adventurous, consider trying something new. Maybe there's a cool fitness class in your area or maybe you could join a softball team—whatever it is, just remember that going outside can be fun and exciting.

3.) Enjoy the fall foliage.

You can enjoy the beauty of the fall foliage by visiting a local park. The leaves are changing around this time of year, so you'll be able to see some eye-catching colors. You might even want to take pictures of your surroundings. Just make sure that you're not doing that while driving.

If you're not able to go outside, you might want to watch some movies or TV shows that feature fall foliage. That way, you'll be able to enjoy it even if the weather is bad.

4.) Enjoy pumpkin spice latte season.

Pumpkin spice lattes are one of the most popular seasonal drinks. You can enjoy them at Starbucks and other coffee stores, but they’re not always easy to make at home. Here are some ways you can have your own pumpkin spice latte experience without leaving your kitchen:

  • Brew a cup of your favorite pumpkin-flavored coffee using a Keurig machine or another single-serve brewing device.

  • Put a small amount of milk (1/4 cup) into your favorite mug. Add sweetener if desired, then pour it into the mug while stirring vigorously with a wooden spoon so that the milk doesn't curdle or form lumps in the mixture. This step is known as "homogenizing," as it will mix up your drink nicely.

  • Add whipped cream or whipped topping before serving; this adds an extra layer of sweetness that complements fall flavors very well.

If you prefer a cold brew drink, simply add ice cubes to the mix and stir until it’s chilled. To make this into a frappuccino-style version of your pumpkin spice latte, use a blender instead of stirring with a wooden spoon.

5.) Bask in the brisk breeze.

As the weather cools and the days get shorter, you may find yourself wanting to spend more time indoors. But there's no reason not to enjoy the outdoors when it's brisk out—and there are plenty of benefits. For example:

The fall weather is a beautiful thing. It's crisp, it's clean and it's perfect for staying outside all day long. But what do you do if you're not exactly a fan of feeling cold? Use this time to explore your surroundings and enjoy the crisp air while it lasts.

Take your dog for a walk in the park or go for a hike through some local nature trails. You can even head over to your local farmers' market and see what kind of foods they have available this time of year.

You'll be surprised at how much you can learn about yourself when you take some time out of your day to enjoy nature.

You'll feel more connected to nature You can enjoy being outside while it's still nice out. It's good for your mental health to be outside in nature. You'll feel more connected to the Earth and your place in it.

6.) Play in the leaves with your dog or kids.

Getting outside and enjoying nature; it's a great way to get some exercise and make memories.

  • You can also try going for walks (or runs) with your dog during this time of year.

  • If you want something more active, toss around a football or go play in a park or playground with friends or family members; this is an especially good idea if you have kids who are old enough to join in on such activities.

If you’re looking for something to do indoors, consider playing board games. Many people enjoy playing games like Monopoly or Risk with their friends and family members, so this is a great way to get everyone engaged in some fun activities.

7.) Cook great food (chili, anyone?)

As the weather gets cooler, you may be craving warm, hearty food. Fortunately for you, there are plenty of recipes for cooking fall foods that will help you keep your body and mind warm. Chili is one of the most popular dishes served during this season. You can make it in a crock pot or slow cooker, which makes it even easier to prepare—and clean up

Here's how:

  • Chop up your ingredients into small pieces so that they'll cook quickly and evenly in the chili mixture.

  • Cut up an onion into rings and sauté those until they're tender (about 10 minutes).

  • Add ground beef or turkey (or both), tomato sauce or diced tomatoes, any kinds of beans (kidney beans are good), jalapeño peppers if desired and spices like cumin powder or chili powder if desired as well; stir together until everything is well combined before adding water/stock or beer to the mixture. Cook on low for 8 hours or high for 4 hours, stirring occasionally so that nothing sticks to the bottom of the pot. Add cheese and any other toppings like onions, sour cream, or avocado if desired.

To wrap it up

Fall is a beautiful time of year. There are so many ways to enjoy the season, and it’s not just about the leaves changing colors or pumpkin spice lattes.

Fall is a great time for spending time with your family and friends in the outdoors, enjoying delicious food, watching this weather change from summer heat into cooler temperatures—and so much more. We hope these seven tips will help make your autumn a fun and memorable time for you and your family.

Here are a few of our favorites.


10 Fall Slow-Cooker Recipes


Ways To Enjoy The Fall Season