How To Have A Stress-Free Thanksgiving

a pleathera of thanksgiving food on a table with the caption Tips for a stress-free thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and great food. However, if you are an anxious person or it's your first Thanksgiving as an adult, you might be having some trouble relaxing and enjoying the day. Here are some stress-relieving tips for this holiday:

a sign saying be prepared on a whiteboard

Be prepared

  • Prepare all of your cooking supplies a few days before Thanksgiving to avoid any last-minute stress. This will also give you time to figure out what you're going to make and how much time each dish will take.

    • Know your guests' tastes/dietary restrictions beforehand so that they can enjoy their meal without feeling excluded because they can't eat something on the table (i.e.; gluten-free diets, allergies, etc). If possible try to accommodate these requests by making substitutions so no one feels left out during their meal. Furthermore, if there are certain people who don't like certain things (like onions) then maybe those items shouldn't be included in the main dishes or at least only put small amounts in there so everyone can enjoy them too.

    Gather ingredients early on Sunday morning - November 20th - so that you have plenty of time to cook everything throughout the day.

martin lawerence  from martin on thanksgiving lookin at a plate of food

Make a list of everything you have to do and check it off one by one.

Make a to-do list.

  • Break down your list into smaller tasks.

  • Check off each task as you complete it. Don’t forget to reward yourself when you’ve completed a task, whether it's with another cup of coffee or taking 20 minutes out of your day for a walk around the block.

a picture of a menu wrapped in a red napkin on a white plate with fake cranberries

Plan your menu in advance, and make sure you keep track of what ingredients you need and don't need.

You should make a list of everything you'll need before you go shopping. But don't just write down the ingredients; include when and how much of each one.

For example, if you're making three different kinds of stuffing and two types of pie, write down how much bread or flour each one calls for as well as how many cups or tablespoons are needed for each recipe.

When you get home from the store, check off items on your list as they're added to your shopping cart—that way there won't be any surprises along the way.

If an ingredient is missing from your plan (or if it's too much), don't panic. Instead freeze whatever extras come in until they can be used another time (i.e., pie crusts leftover from Thanksgiving).

a woman man and child at dinner table on thanksgiving, daughter, and father cutting the turkey, African american family

Make dishes you've made before that you know how to make.

One of the best ways to ensure a stress-free meal is to keep things simple. The kitchen is often the most chaotic room during Thanksgiving, so it's best to have a few dishes that you know how to make and can prepare ahead of time. Make sure there are backups in case something goes wrong.

Here are some dishes that we recommend:

  • Roast turkey breast (so much easier than trying to roast an entire bird!)

  • Mashed potatoes

  • Celery and Onions (you'll need these for your stuffing)

black ladies in the kitchen over the stove cooking a thanksgiving meal

Ask for help when you need it.

If you're feeling overwhelmed and stressed, ask for help. There is a multitude of people you can call on to help with your Thanksgiving dinner prep and cooking.

If you have family or friends who live nearby, invite them over for the day. They can lend a hand with prepping or cooking.

You could also try asking for help from a professional chef; many chefs love working with clients and will be more than happy to work with you on Thanksgiving day if they are available.

a multiracial family enjoying thanksgiving dinner laughing at the counter

Have fun with it.

The most important thing is to relax and enjoy your time with your family. Of course, it's nice to have an amazing Thanksgiving, but there's no need to go overboard. Take some time out from cooking to sit down and eat with the family.

If you're lucky enough to have children or grandchildren around for Thanksgiving, make sure that you take some time away from the kitchen and spend it playing games or doing other fun activities with them.

This can be a great opportunity for bonding with them - something that usually doesn't happen anymore because of how busy everyone's lives are nowadays.

And don't forget about yourself either; try relaxing in front of the fire if you want peace and quiet, or put on some music while you work in the kitchen so as not to get stressed out by silence (which might make things worse).

a variety of pies on a decorated thanksgiving table , apple pumpkin and peacan pie

Give yourself permission to buy a pie this year.

When you're feeling overwhelmed by all the things you need to do, give yourself permission to buy a pie. You don't have to make it yourself, and you can definitely bake it the day before if that will help with your stress level. Just get the ingredients together and go for it.

You don't have to worry about having a perfect crust or anything like that—just make sure your pie works with what you've got in terms of time and ingredients (and if not, maybe just stick with store-bought). Then wrap it up well in foil and pop it into the fridge until Thanksgiving morning.

woman looking stressed dressed as a pilgrim

To wrap it up

So there you have it. These are just a few of our tips for having an easier Thanksgiving. We hope you found them helpful and will be able to enjoy this wonderful holiday from the comfort of your own home with all those who mean the most to you.

Here are a few of our favorites.


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