A Guide to Your First Friendsgiving

A Guide to Your First Friendsgiving

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Friendship isn't just about shared laughs or memories; it's about finding a family outside the one you were born into. Ever heard of that saying, "Friends are the family we choose for ourselves?"

Well, that’s what Friendsgiving is all about! It’s that special occasion when your closest pals come together and celebrate the spirit of Thanksgiving, sans the traditional family drama.

So, how do you make your first Friendsgiving memorable? Buckle up, holiday lover, and let's find out.

#1. What is Friendsgiving?

Friendsgiving is the sweet blend of two words: 'friends' and 'Thanksgiving.' Think of it as the more relaxed, fun, and often quirky cousin of Thanksgiving. It’s typically celebrated around the same time but focuses on the bond of friendship rather than blood ties.

#2. Setting the Date

While many opt to hold Friendsgiving a week before or after Thanksgiving to avoid calendar clashes, there's really no strict rule. Just find a date that suits the majority.

#3. Planning the Menu

Appetizers: Why not start with some delicious finger foods? They're the perfect way to kick off your Friendsgiving celebration.

  1. Main Course: Wondering what should be at the heart of your feast? Be it a juicy turkey, succulent ham, or even a vibrant vegetarian centerpiece, the world is your culinary oyster!

  2. Sides: What's a feast without its companions? Dive into classic mashed potatoes, aromatic stuffing, and crisp green beans. They're the unsung heroes of any meal!

  3. Desserts: End your delightful meal on a sweet note. Whether it's the traditional pumpkin pie or an indulgent chocolate fondue, make sure to leave your guests craving for more. 

Remember, it's all about what your friends love.

A Guide to Your First Friendsgiving

#4. Décor and Ambiance

Turn your space into an autumn haven. Use candles, fairy lights, and autumn leaves. You could also use photographs of shared memories as part of the décor, making it personal and heartwarming.

Rustic Friendsgiving Dinner Feast Party Invitation

Rustic Friendsgiving Dinner Feast Party Invitation

A cozy design with bold autumn colors, featuring "friends, turkey, wine, and lots of pie," with room on the back for a personal touch.

#5. Invitations and RSVPs

Going digital? E-invites work. Prefer the traditional way? Handwritten invitations have a unique charm. Ensure you have an RSVP system in place.

#6. Traditions and Activities

How about a gratitude jar, where everyone writes something they're grateful for? Or perhaps, a game night post the feast. This isn’t just any dinner; it's Friendsgiving!

#7. Divvying up Responsibilities

Don't take everything on your shoulders. It’s like arranging a potluck; everyone brings something to the table (literally and figuratively).

#8. Friendsgiving on a Budget

Worried about expenses? Remember, Friendsgiving is about being together. Potluck, DIY décor, and shared costs can make the day economical yet special.

Your First Friendsgiving

#9. Being a Gracious Host

Always have some extra food and drinks stocked up. Make sure there's a comfortable seating arrangement for everyone. Be warm, be welcoming.

#10. Creating Lasting Memories

This isn’t just about food; it's about making memories. Capture candid moments, have a corner for group photos, or even make a scrapbook post-event.

#11. The Magic of Giving Back

To make Friendsgiving even more special, consider donating to a charity as a group or volunteering together. Celebrate the spirit of giving.

To Wrap It Up

Friendsgiving is more than just a meal; it's a testament to the bonds we forge and the families we create outside of bloodlines. Dive deep into the spirit of this beautiful tradition, cherish every moment, and most importantly, always leave room for seconds (or thirds).


  • A: Absolutely! It's an additional celebration of gratitude and friendship.

  • A: It's not about the space but the company. Get cozy, use floor cushions, and make it intimate.

  • A: It's your Friendsgiving! You can go traditional or entirely unique. The choice is yours.

  • A: Discuss with your friends, consider everyone's preferences, and perhaps even assign dishes to avoid repetition.

  • A: Incorporate shared memories, personal touches, and ensure that the focus remains on the bond you all share.


Hello, Welcome!


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