March Self-Care Journal Prompts for Black and Brown Women

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In the whirlwind of daily routines, it's essential to carve out moments for ourselves, especially for Black and Brown women who navigate unique challenges and joys. March brings the promise of renewal and growth, making it the perfect time to focus on self-care and wellness.

This guide offers 31 journal prompts, one for each day of March, designed to inspire reflection, empowerment, and healing.March, with its blend of winter's end and the onset of spring, symbolizes transformation.

For Black and Brown women, engaging in self-care is not just an act of personal wellness but a radical form of resistance against societal pressures and stereotypes.

This month, let's commit to prioritizing our mental health and embracing wellness practices that nourish our bodies, minds, and spirits.

Week 1: Reflection and Self-Understanding

  1. What aspects of my identity am I most proud of?

  2. How does my cultural heritage influence my approach to self-care?

  3. What are three things I love about myself that have nothing to do with my appearance?

  4. When do I feel most connected to my ancestors, and how does this impact my well-being?

  5. What personal strengths have helped me overcome challenges in the past?

  6. How can I incorporate more self-compassion into my daily routine?

  7. Reflect on a moment this week when you felt truly at peace. What brought about that serenity?

Week 2: Body and Wellness

  1. What are my body’s unique needs, and how can I better support them?

  2. In what ways can I honor my body as a temple of strength and resilience?

  3. How does movement (dance, exercise, etc.) affect my mood and self-image?

  4. What self-care rituals make me feel most rejuvenated?

  5. How can I create a more balanced relationship with food that celebrates my culture?

  6. What does a day of complete rest look like for me, and how can I make it happen?

  7. Reflect on a time when you listened to your body. What did it tell you?

Week 3: Emotional Healing and Resilience

  1. What emotions have I been avoiding, and why?

  2. How can I give myself permission to feel and express these emotions safely?

  3. What are some healthy outlets for my stress and frustration?

  4. Who in my life makes me feel seen and heard, and how can I connect with them more often?

  5. How does my emotional well-being affect my physical health?

  6. What small acts of kindness can I do for myself when I'm feeling down?

  7. Write a letter to your future self, offering encouragement and love.

Week 4: Dreams and Aspirations

  1. What dreams have I put on hold, and what fears are holding me back?

  2. How can I take one small step this month towards a goal I've been neglecting?

  3. Where do I see myself in five years, and what wellness practices will help me get there?

  4. What does success look like to me, outside of societal expectations?

  5. Who are my role models, and what qualities do they embody that I admire?

  6. How can celebrating my small victories improve my confidence and motivation?

  7. What legacy do I want to leave, and how does my wellness journey contribute to that?

Week 5: Community and Connections

  1. How does my community influence my sense of self and my wellness journey?

  2. What can I do to foster deeper connections with the people around me?

  3. In what ways can I contribute to the wellness of my community while also caring for myself?

And there you have it, ladies…

March is more than just a month; it's a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.

By dedicating time each day to reflect through these prompts, Black and Brown women can forge a deeper connection with themselves and their communities.

Remember, self-care is a personal and revolutionary act that looks different for everyone. Embrace your unique path to wellness.

Embark on this journey of self-care and wellness by starting your journal today.

Share your experiences, insights, and reflections with friends or on social media to inspire others. Let's cultivate a community of support and encouragement as we navigate our wellness paths together.

Before we part ways, I want to invite you to join our Melanated Lilies newsletter. It's your exclusive pass to a world of empowering stories, resources, and insights tailored just for you. Let's continue celebrating the beauty and strength of Melanin Black women together.


Till Next Time,



Hello, Welcome

Dawn Ray CEO
  • I’m Dawn aka “Lily”

  • Relax and Stay awhile ❤️


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